The purpose of this paper is to outlinean approach for Bank engagement in forests, trees, andwoodlands on farms in Sub-Saharan Africa for the coming fiveyears. The paper takes the framework of the Africadevelopment strategy, which has two main pillars: supportingemployment and competitiveness, and building resilience andreducing vulnerability; and one underlying foundation:strengthening capacity and governance. It is consistent withthe pillars of the bank forest strategy from 2002, whichhighlight the contribution of forests to economicdevelopment, poverty reduction, and protection of globalpublic goods. Several other World Bank corporate strategiesare also relevant for the implementation of this actionplan. The primary messages of this paper are linked:enhanced forest, tree and woodland management can play a keyrole in achieving the goals of the Africa Strategy.Employment generation, improving competitiveness as well asbuilding resilience and reducing vulnerability are theoverall objectives of the World Bank's forestengagement in Sub-Saharan Africa; and in many countries themost effective approaches will be outside the traditionalforestry institutions and will involve working throughoperations and reforms supported through other sectors.