The ambition to reach full globalfinancial inclusion requires that we address the challengeof delivering appropriate and affordable financial servicesto an estimated 2.5 billion unbanked individuals globally.One response to this challenge has involved the design ofproducts such as microloans, low balance savings accounts,micro-insurance, and mobile money transfer that arespecifically tailored to meet the needs of the oftenexcluded low-income mass market. Delivering these productsand services on a large scale, however, cannot be achievedwithout accessible channels that lower the cost of serviceand increase reach. Alternative delivery channels (ADC),defined as those channels that expand the reach of servicesbeyond the traditional bank branch channel, have emerged asa result of innovations in information and communicationtechnology and a shift in consumer expectations. Thishandbook serves as a tool for Financial Services Providers(FSPs) to increase the technical understanding of ADCplatforms and to provide practical guidance on how toapproach an ADC technology project. The handbook isstructured as follows: 1) Chapter one provides an overviewof ADCs and the technologies that underpin them; 2) Chaptertwo offers guidelines to develop a channel strategy, takinginto account the internal and external factors that impactstrategy decisions; 3) Chapter three outlines the differentcomponents of a technology platform, aiming to provideguidance on how the channel strategy can be mapped to aspecific technology platform; 4) Chapter four highlights theimportance of identifying requirements and outlines thesteps involved in selecting the right provider and solution;and 5) Chapter five introduces a best-practiceimplementation methodology and key considerations for asuccessful implementation. In addition, the chapterdiscusses how a channel should be monitored, maintained andscaled up after going live.