Morocco strives to reach a similar percapita income level to that of upper-middle incomecountries, and to reduce unemployment, which particularlyaffects women and youth. To meet these goals, the governmentrecognizes the need to shift from a low-technology economywith a strong agricultural component to a more diversifiedeconomy focused on services and high value-addingindustries. As the World Bank World Development Report 2016highlights, broadband is one of the decisive factors in anation's competitiveness. Deploying broadband isessential to improve Morocco's internationalcompetitiveness and to attract foreign investment. Rollingout broadband is of strategic importance for Morocco, as thecountry aims to consolidate its promising position in theindustrial and manufacturing sectors. This note is organizedin three sections:(i) section one provides a summaryanalysis of recent economic studies that measured theimpacts generated by access to and use of ICT and broadbandon the economy; (ii) section two analyzes public policiesimplemented by the Moroccan government since the 1990s, andtheir impact on the sector; and (iii) section 3 presents themain reforms that the World Bank would recommend that thegovernment carry out in the broadband sector to give itselfthe means to fulfill its ambitions and finish opening up thebroadband sector to competition.