Significant multiyear and multi decadevariations in intermittent renewable resources hold majorimplications for power system investments. They have beenusing extensive hydrology data for many years to representhydrological risks in their planning. Climate model data areparticularly suited for the assessment of longer-termvariability. A good grasp of seasonal, multiyear, and multidecade trends is essential in assessing the economic meritsof investments in renewable resources and the extent towhich such resources can complement one other or may need tobe backed up by further investments in nonrenewable sources.For instance, planners of hydro-dominated systems havelearned to use risk-based criteria such as so-called1-in-50-year drought coverage to deal with the risk posed byextremely dry years. That climate models can providescenarios over several decades makes them equally applicableto wind and solar planning. Good-quality data generated byclimate models - both historical and projected over decadesare available for all countries at little or no cost. Suchdata can and should form part of power system planning,complementing more detailed, but expensive, renewable energyresource mapping and actual observations and measurements ofwind, solar, and hydro power.