The main aim of this World Bank-ESMAPproject has been to pave the way for picohydro to becomeaccessible to low-income households in Ecuador, with theview to replicating the process in the Andean region andother developing countries. This has been done through fivemain activities: (1) assessing the main experiences inpicohydro technology and market developments, lookingparticularly at Vietnam and the Philippines1; (2) reviewingthe existing use of microhydro in five Andean countries2 andassessing their potential picohydro market; (3) establishing31 pilot picohydro projects in two provinces of Ecuador withfull participation of the end users in local communities;(4) encouraging a sustainable local infrastructure forsupporting picohydro technology in Ecuador through traininglocal technicians and bringing local dealers forward toconsider picohydro as a business venture; and (5) conductinga rapid rural appraisal in the communities before and afterthe installation of the picohydro pilots to consider thetechnological and social impacts in the Ecuadoran situation.