The Results in Education for AllChildren (REACH) Trust Fund at the World Bank providedfunding to the Government of Haiti with the goal ofestablishing the preconditions for the adoption of RBF inthe Haitian National Ministry of Education and ProfessionalTraining (Ministère de l'Education National et de laFormation Professionnelle, MENFP). To this end, the grantfunded the development of a quality assurance system (QAS)based on specific standards for the most importantdimensions of educational quality in the country. The ideawas to include clear indicators for each quality dimensionthat would make it possible to measure education results onthe ground. The grant also funded a series of complementaryactivities aimed at strengthening the technical capacity ofMENFP staff to define and measure quality. By developing aQAS for all primary schools in the country, the grant aimedto improve governance, enhance the data systems needed tomeasure results, and establish the preconditions necessaryto introduce an RBF mechanism in the education sector in Haiti.