This country note for Moldova is part ofa series of country briefs that summarize informationrelevant to climate change and agriculture for four pilotcountries in the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Region, witha particular focus on climate and crop projections,adaptation options, policy development and institutionalinvolvement. The note series has been developed to provide abaseline of knowledge on climate change and agriculture forthe pilot countries participating in the regional program onreducing vulnerability to climate change in ECA agriculturalsystems. This note for Moldova was shared with theGovernment and other agricultural sector stakeholders andused as an engagement tool for a National Awareness Raisingand Consultation Workshop, held in Chisinau in October 2009.Feedback and comments on the note from this consultationprocess have been incorporated into this updated version incollaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and FoodIndustry (MAFI).