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Information Technology
Peter van den Heuvel (Lid Lectoraat) ; drs. Frans van den Reep (Lector)
Hogeschool Inholland
关键词: Digital world;    Internet;    Social media;    E-business;   
来源: HBO Kennisbank
【 摘 要 】

This book is about you. Are you, as a customer, as an entrepreneur, as an individual, ready for the Internet and e-business? Do you see the possibilities and do you actually use these? Do you have an idea of where it will end? Did you ever list how the Internet changes your life as an entrepreneur? And, do you make the next move or do you let it all happen to you? About the fact that the Internet is much more than e-mail, shopping, chatting and searching. About how the Internet as a driver of e-business changes the set-up of your company or educational institution and maybe your very business in a very positive and still “e-secure” way: marketing & sales, operations, purchasing, recruitment & selection, e-HRM. We go through six related trends with you, without pretending to be complete.

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