Effects of Radiative Recombination and Photon Recycling on Minority Carrier Lifetime in Epitaxial GalnAsSb Lattice-Matched to GaSb.
Anikeev, S. ; Donetsky, D. ; Belenky, G. ; Luryl, S. ; Wang, C. A. ; Shiau, D. A. ; Dashiell, M.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Radiative recombination;    Photon recycling;    Photons;    Minority carrier lifetime;    Isotype double heterostructures;   
RP-ID  :  DE2005836448
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】
Radiative coefficient (B) is a fundamental recombination parameter which is of importance for a variety of optoelectronic minority carrier devices. Radiative recombination was comprehensively studied for wide-bandgap III-V compounds, while for 0.5-0.6 eV materials experimental data are quite limited and demonstrate significant spreading. Here we report excess carrier lifetime in isotype double heterostructures (DHs) of 0.54-eV p-GaInAsSb capped with p-AlGaAsSb, and grown lattice-matched to GaSb. Lifetime was measured by time-resolved photoluminescence (dynamic lifetime) as well as by optical response to sinusoidal excitation (static lifetime). Wide range of GaInAsSb layer thickness was used to separate contributions from interface and radiative recombination processes. Radiative coefficient and recombination velocity at GaInAsSb/AlGaAsSb heterointerface were determined. Temperature dependence of lifetime demonstrated significant contribution of radiative effects to the total recombination rate.
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