Hybrid Back Surface Reflector GaInAsSb Thermophotovoltaic Devices
Huang, RK ; Wang, CA ; Connors, MK ; Turner, GW ; Dashiell, M
Lockheed Martin Corporation, Schenectady, NY (United States)
关键词: Photons;    Efficiency;    42 Engineering;    Design;    72 Physics Of Elementary Particles And Fields;   
DOI  :  10.2172/836454
RP-ID  :  LM-04K041
RP-ID  :  AC12-00SN39357
RP-ID  :  836454
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

Back surface reflectors have the potential to improve thermophotovoltaic (TPV) device performance though the recirculation of infrared photons. The ''hybrid'' back-surface reflector (BSR) TPV cell approach allows one to construct BSRs for TPV devices using conventional, high efficiency, GaInAsSb-based TPV material. The design, fabrication, and measurements of hybrid BSR-TPV cells are described. The BSR was shown to provide a 4 mV improvement in open-circuit voltage under a constant shortcircuit current, which is comparable to the 5 mV improvement theoretically predicted. Larger improvements in open-circuit voltage are expected in the future with materials improvements.

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