We have studied the magnetic stability in exchange bias and exchange spring systems prepared via epitaxial sputter deposition. The two interracial exchange coupled systems, Fe/Cr(2 11) double superlattices consisting of a ferromagnetic and an antiferromagnetic Fe/Cr superlattice that are exchange coupled through a Cr spacer, and Sin-Co/Fe exchange-spring bilayer structures with ferromagnetically coupled hard Sin-Co layer and soft Fe layer, were epitaxially grown on suitably prepared Cr buffer layers to give rise to different microstructure and magnetic anisotropy. The magnetic stability investigated using the magneto-optic Kerr effect during repeated reversal of the soft was layer magnetization by field cycling up to 107 times. For uniaxial Fe/Cr exchange biased double superlattices and exchange spring bilayers with uniaxial Sin-Co, small but rapid initial decay in the exchange bias field HEand in the remanent magnetization is observed. However, the exchange spring bilayers with biaxial and random in-plane anisotropy in the Sin-Co layer shows gradual decay in HE and without large reduction of the magnetization. The different decay behaviors are attributed to the different microstmcture and spin configuration of the pinning layers.