Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
Study of the vibrational modes of GaSb/AlSb (001) superlattices
关键词: Superlattices;    Lattice Dynamics;    Raman scattering;    phonons;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the present work, we study the modes of vibration of small period (GaSb)n/(AlSb)n supelattices, n=1,2,3, grown along (001) direction. Any supelattice (SL) is described by a three dimensional elementary cell several times bigger of the elementary cell of the zinc blend bulk constituents. The modes of vibration are calculated using a ten parameter (10) Valence Overlap Shell Model, with the interactions of the binaries GaSb and AlSb calculated with different parameter sets, for both short and long range forces. With the atomic displacements known, we calculated the Raman spectra, away of resonance conditions, based on the Bond Polarizability Model. Our results are in good agreement with the existing experimental data

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