Magnetic profiles in ferromagnetic/superconducting superlattices.
te Velthuis, S. G. E. ; Hoffmann, A. ; Santamaria, J. ; Division, Materials Science ; Madrid, Univ. Complutense de
Argonne National Laboratory
关键词: Magnetoresistance;    Superconductivity;    Superlattices;    Crystal Structure;    Ferromagnetism;   
DOI  :  10.2172/947081
RP-ID  :  ANL/MSD/RP-58617
RP-ID  :  DE-AC02-06CH11357
RP-ID  :  947081
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The interplay between ferromagnetism and superconductivity has been of longstanding fundamental research interest to scientists, as the competition between these generally mutually exclusive types of long-range order gives rise to a rich variety of physical phenomena. A method of studying these exciting effects is by investigating artificially layered systems, i.e. alternating deposition of superconducting and ferromagnetic thin films on a substrate, which enables a straight-forward combination of the two types of long-range order and allows the study of how they compete at the interface over nanometer length scales. While originally studies focused on low temperature superconductors interchanged with metallic ferromagnets, in recent years the scope has broadened to include superlattices of high T{sub c} superconductors and colossal magnetoresistance oxides. Creating films where both the superconducting as well as the ferromagnetic layers are complex oxide materials with similar crystal structures (Figure 1), allows the creation of epitaxial superlattices, with potentially atomically flat and ordered interfaces.

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