Organometallic Vapor Phase Epitaxy of n-GaSb and n-GaSb and n-GaInAsSb for Low Resistance Ohmic Contacts.
Wang, C. A. ; Shiau, D. A. ; Huang, R. K. ; Harris, C. T. ; Connors, M. K.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Ohmic contacts;    Doping;    Mass spectroscopy;    Electron mobility;    Epilayers;   
RP-ID  :  DE2004821380
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

A comparison of n-GaSb and n-GaInAsSb epilayers for ohmic contacts in GaSb-based devices is studied. The epilayers were grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy and doped with Te. At similar electron concentrations, the atomic Te concentration, as determined by secondary ion mass spectroscopy, is more than 2 times higher in n-GaSb compared to n-GaInAsSb. In addition, the electron mobility is lower in n-GaSb than n-GaInAsSb at similar electron concentrations. The electron concentration saturates at about 1.3 x 10(sup 18) cm(sup -3) for n-GaSb, but linearly increases for n-GaInAsSb. Pd/Ge/Au/Pt/Au metallization was studied for ohmic contacts. A specific contact resistivity of 1 x 10(sup -5)(Omega)-cm(sup 2) for n-GaSb was measured. The specific contact resistivity can be greatly improved by contacting n-GaInAsSb, and a significantly lower specific contact resistivity of 2 x 10(sup -6)(Omega)-cm(sup 2) for n-GaInAsSb was measured.

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