Ultrasonic Phased Array Implementation of the Inside Diameter Creeping Wave Sizing Method.
McJunkin, T. R. ; Davis, J. M. ; Kunerth, D. C. ; Watkins, A. D.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Ultrasonic radiation;    Creep properties;    Detection;    Defects;    Implementation;   
RP-ID  :  DE2008911768
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

This paper describes a technique for implementing the ultrasonic inside diameter (ID) creeping wave technique for detection and sizing ID connected defects using a phased array ultrasonic system. The technique uses multiple focal laws to produce the examination modes. The first focal law is designed to create a shear wave nominally at the critical angle for mode conversion to a longitudinal wave at the ID of a part, thus creating a creeping wave. This focal law is focused at the ID to improve sensitivity. The rest of the laws are designed to create tandem sound paths that progress up a vertical surface directly above the focal point of the creeping wave generation point. When a defect on the inner surface is detected with the creeping wave, the height of the defect can be measured from the response of a set of tandem laws without readjusting the position of the probe. Results from standard one-inch long notches of varying depths are presented.

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