Precision X-Band Linac Technologies for Nuclear Photonics Gamma-Ray Sources.
Hartemann, F. V. ; Albert, F. ; Anderson, S. G. ; Bayramian, A. J. ; Cross, R. R. ; Ebbers, C. A. ; Gibson, D. J. ; Houck, T. L. ; Marsh, R. A. ; Messerly, M. J.
Nuclear photonics is an emerging field of research requiring new tools, including high spectral brightness, tunable gamma-ray sources; high photon energy, ultrahigh-resolution crystal spectrometers; and novel detectors. This presentation focuses on the precision linac technology required for Compton scattering gamma-ray light sources, and on the optimization of the laser and electron beam pulse format to achieve unprecedented spectral brightness. Within this context, high-gradient Xband technology will be shown to offer optimal performance in a compact package, when used in conjunction with the appropriate pulse format, and photocathode illumination and interaction laser technologies.