Measurements of neutron spectra in W, and Na targets irradiated by 0.8 GeV and 1.6 GeV protons are presented. Measurements were made by the TOF techniques using the proton beam from the ITEP U-10 synchrotron. Neutrons were detected with BICRON-511 liquid scintillator-based detectors. The neutron detection efficiency was calculated via the SCINFUL and CECIL codes. The W results are compared with the similar data obtained elsewhere. The measured neutron spectra are compared with the LAHET and CEM2k code simulation results. Attempt is made to explain some observed disagreements between experiments and simulations. The presented results are of interest both in terms of nuclear data buildup and as a benchmark of the up-to-date predictive power of the simulation codes used in designing the hybrid accelerator-driven system (ADS) facilities with sodium-cooled tungsten targets.