Some 113 residual product nuclide yields in a 1.0 GeV proton-irradiated thin monoisotopic 208Pb sample and some 107 residual product nuclide yields in a 2.6 GeV proton-irradiated (nat)W sample have been measured and simulated by different codes. The irradiations were made using proton beams extracted from the ITEP synchrotrons. The nuclide yields were y-spectrometered directly using a high-resolution Ge-detector. The y-spectra were processed by the GENIE2000 code. The ITEP-developed SIGMA code was used together with the PCNUDAT nuclear decay database to identify the y-lines and to determine the cross-sections. The 27Al(p,x)22Na reaction was used to monitor the proton flux. The measured yields are compared with their values simulated by the LAHET, CEM95, HETC, CASCADE, IN-JCL, YIELDX, and other codes. Estimates of the mean deviation factor are used to demonstrate the predictive power of the codes. The results obtained maybe of interest in studying the hybrid Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) facilities.