The work is aimed at experimental determining and computer simulating the independent and cumulative yields of residual product nuclei in the target and structure materials of the transmutation facilities driven by high-current accelerators. The ITEP U-10 accelerator was used in 48 experiments to obtain more than 4000 values of the yields of radioactive residual product nuclei in 0.1-2.6GeV proton-irradiated thin(182,183,184,186)W, (nat)W, (56)Fe, (58)Ni, 93(Nb, (232))Th, (nat)U, (99)Tc, (59)Co (63,65)Cu, (nat)Hg, (208)Pb, and (27)Al targets. The results of verifying the LAHET, CEM95, CEM2k, CASCADE, CASCADE/INPE, YIELDX, HETC, INUCL, and other simulation codes are presented.