Recreation on Federal Lands
Calvert, Kori ; Vincent, Carol Hardy
Library of Congress. Congressional Research Service.
关键词: Sports;    All terrain vehicles;    Recreational vehicles;    National parks;    National recreation areas;   
RP-ID  :  IB10141
RP-ID  :  IB10141_2005Apr25
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The growing and diverse nature of recreation on federal lands has increased the challenge of balancing recreation with other land uses, and balancing different types of recreation. Motorized recreation has been particularly controversial, with issues centering on access and environmental impacts. The 109th Congress may consider legislation and conduct oversight on issues involving recreation on federal lands, including traditional recreational pursuits and newer forms of motorized recreation. Other federal land recreation issues of possible interest include recreational uses within the National Wildlife Refuge System, recreation at federal water, recreation fees, and Grand Canyon Colorado River management.

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