Biological research survey for the efficient conversion of biomass to biofuels.
Kent, Michael Stuart ; Andrews, Katherine M. (Computational Biosciences)
Sandia National Laboratories
关键词: Biomass;    Biomass Conversion.;    Economics;    09 Biomass Fuels;    Biomass Energy.;   
DOI  :  10.2172/900852
RP-ID  :  SAND2006-7221
RP-ID  :  AC04-94AL85000
RP-ID  :  900852
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
The purpose of this four-week late start LDRD was to assess the current status of science and technology with regard to the production of biofuels. The main focus was on production of biodiesel from nonpetroleum sources, mainly vegetable oils and algae, and production of bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomass. One goal was to assess the major technological hurdles for economic production of biofuels for these two approaches. Another goal was to compare the challenges and potential benefits of the two approaches. A third goal was to determine areas of research where Sandia's unique technical capabilities can have a particularly strong impact in these technologies.
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