Can the Kern-ME5000 Mekometer Replace Invar Measurements? Results of Test Measurements with Three Machines
Copeland-Davis, T. W.
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
关键词: Invar;    36 Materials Science;    Resolution;    Testing Accelerators,Accsys;    Accelerators,Accsys;   
DOI  :  10.2172/878880
RP-ID  :  SLAC-PUB-11405
RP-ID  :  AC02-76SF00515
RP-ID  :  878880
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The use of the Kern Me5000 as a ''stand alone'' instrument is restricted to a minimum measurement distance of approximately 20m (Kern internal ''low range'' program), with 2 display readout to the nearest 100{micro}m. Using an external program, it is possible to extend both, the display resolution to 10{micro}m, 2nd the range down to distances well below 20m. This paper attempts to explain Kern's reasoning behind the original limitation of approximately 20m, and presents the results from testing three Mekometer Me5000 instruments. Their similarities, differences, and accuracies are assessed for distances below 25m providing a comparison against the use of invar wires.

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