Molecular Profiling of Microbial Communities from Contaminated Sources: Use of Subtractive Cloning Methods and rDNA Spacer Sequences
Robb, Frank T.
University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland (United States)
关键词: 63 Radiation, Thermal, And Other Environmental Pollutant Effects On Living Organisms And Biological Materials;    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory;    Dna;    Organic Solvents;    Spacers;   
DOI  :  10.2172/827425
RP-ID  :  EMSP-55152--2000
RP-ID  :  FG07-96ER62320
RP-ID  :  827425
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

The major objective of the research was to provide appropriate sequences and to assemble a DNA arrays of oligonucleotides to be used for rapid profiling of microbial populations, from polluted areas and from areas of other interest. The sequences to be assigned to the DNA array are chosen from cloned genomic DNA from groundwater at DOE sites containing organic solvents. The sites, Hanford Nuclear Plant and Lawrence Livermore Site 300 (LLNL), have well characterized pollutant histories, which have been provided by our collaborators.

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