Wafer-Bonded Internal Back-Surface Reflectors for Enhanced TPV Performance
Wang, C.A. ; Murphy, P.G. ; O' ; Brien, P.W. ; Shiau, D.A. ; Anderson, A.C. ; Liau, Z.L. ; Depoy, D.M. ; Nichols, G.
Lockheed Martin
关键词: Dielectric Materials;    Absorption;    36 Materials Science;    42 Engineering;    Bonding;   
DOI  :  10.2172/821703
RP-ID  :  LM-02K065
RP-ID  :  AC12-00SN39357
RP-ID  :  821703
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
This paper discusses recent efforts to realize GaInAsSb/GaSb TPV cells with an internal back-surface reflector (BSR). The cells are fabricated by wafer bonding the GaInAsSb/GaSb device layers to GaAs substrates with a dielectric/Au reflector, and subsequently removing the GaSb substrate. The internal BSR enhances optical absorption within the device while the dielectric layer provides electrical isolation. This approach is compatible with monolithic integration of series-connected TPV cells and can mitigate the requirements of filters used for front-surface spectral control.
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