Atomic Scale Structure of Ultrathin Magnetic Multilayers and Correlation with Resistance and Giant Magnetoresistance and Spin-Dependent Tunneling
Butler, W.H.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
关键词: Magnetoresistance;    Chemical Properties;    36 Materials Science;    Mathematical Models;    42 Engineering;   
DOI  :  10.2172/777628
RP-ID  :  C/ORNL97-0477
RP-ID  :  AC05-96OR22464
RP-ID  :  777628
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】

ORNL's advanced characterization capabilities were used to determine the physical and chemical structure of magnetic multilayer films intended for application in non-volatile magnetic random access memory devices and as magnetic sensors. ORNL modeling capabilities were used to incorporate this information into a first-principles based tool that can be used to model the magnetic and transport properties of these films. This modeling capability should be useful for understanding and optimizing novel magnetoelectronic devices.

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