Deriving a model for influenza epidemics from historical data.
Ray, Jaideep ; Lefantzi, Sophia
Sandia National Laboratories
关键词: Influenza;    Aids Virus;    Decay;    59 Basic Biological Sciences;    Symptoms;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1030332
RP-ID  :  SAND2011-6633
RP-ID  :  AC04-94AL85000
RP-ID  :  1030332
来源: UNT Digital Library
【 摘 要 】
In this report we describe how we create a model for influenza epidemics from historical data collected from both civilian and military societies. We derive the model when the population of the society is unknown but the size of the epidemic is known. Our interest lies in estimating a time-dependent infection rate to within a multiplicative constant. The model form fitted is chosen for its similarity to published models for HIV and plague, enabling application of Bayesian techniques to discriminate among infectious agents during an emerging epidemic. We have developed models for the progression of influenza in human populations. The model is framed as a integral, and predicts the number of people who exhibit symptoms and seek care over a given time-period. The start and end of the time period form the limits of integration. The disease progression model, in turn, contains parameterized models for the incubation period and a time-dependent infection rate. The incubation period model is obtained from literature, and the parameters of the infection rate are fitted from historical data including both military and civilian populations. The calibrated infection rate models display a marked difference in which the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic differed from the influenza seasons in the US between 2001-2008 and the progression of H1N1 in Catalunya, Spain. The data for the 1918 pandemic was obtained from military populations, while the rest are country-wide or province-wide data from the twenty-first century. We see that the initial growth of infection in all cases were about the same; however, military populations were able to control the epidemic much faster i.e., the decay of the infection-rate curve is much higher. It is not clear whether this was because of the much higher level of organization present in a military society or the seriousness with which the 1918 pandemic was addressed. Each outbreak to which the influenza model was fitted yields a separate set of parameter values. We suggest 'consensus' parameter values for military and civilian populations in the form of normal distributions so that they may be further used in other applications. Representing the parameter values as distributions, instead of point values, allows us to capture the uncertainty and scatter in the parameters. Quantifying the uncertainty allows us to use these models further in inverse problems, predictions under uncertainty and various other studies involving risk.
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