Report to Congress on the Potential Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Technologies
Cada, Glenn1 
[1]Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States)
关键词: Hydropower;    water power;    power;    potential;    turbine;    turbines;    environmental;    report;    hydrokinetic;    marine;    effects;    potential;    fish;    habitats;    fish habitats;    aquatic;    congress;    mhkmarketacpage;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1218438
RP-ID  :  DOE/GO--102009-2955
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1218438
Others  :  Other: 4131
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】
This report focuses on potential impacts of marine and hydrokinetic technologies to aquatic environments (i.e. rivers, estuaries, and oceans), fish and fish habitats, ecological relationships, and other marine and freshwater aquatic resources. The report does not address impacts to terrestrial ecosystems and organisms that are common to other electricity-generating technologies (e.g., construction and maintenance of transmission lines) or possible effects on the human environment, including: human use conflicts, aesthetics, viewsheds, noise in the terrestrial environment, light, recreation, transportation, navigation, cultural resources, socioeconomic impacts.
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