Vehicle Technologies Fact of the Week 2015
Davis, Stacy C.1  Diegel, Susan W.1  Moore, Sheila A.1  Boundy, Robert G.2 
[1] Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States);Roltek, Inc., Clinton, TN (United States)
关键词: Transportation;    Energy;    Vehicles;    Fuels;    Alternative Fuels;    Petroleum;    Air;    Rail;    Water;    Gasoline;    Diesel;    Emissions;    Highway;   
DOI  :  10.2172/1259430
RP-ID  :  ORNL/TM--2016/224
PID  :  OSTI ID: 1259430
Others  :  Other: VT0204000
Others  :  VT0401000
Others  :  VT0505000
Others  :  VT0604000
Others  :  CEVT001
来源: SciTech Connect
【 摘 要 】

Each week the U.S. Department of Energy s Vehicle Technology Office (VTO) posts a Fact of the Week on their website: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/vehiclesandfuels/ . These Facts provide statistical information, usually in the form of charts and tables, on vehicle sales, fuel economy, gasoline prices, and other transportation-related trends. Each Fact is a stand-alone page that includes a graph, text explaining the significance of the data, the supporting information on which the graph was based, and the source of the data. A link to the current week s Fact is available on the VTO homepage, but older Facts (back to 2009) are archived and still available at: http://energy.gov/eere/vehicles/current-and-past-years-facts-week. Each Fact of the Week website page includes a link to an Excel file. That file contains the data from the Supporting Information section of the page so that researchers can easily use data from the Fact of the Week in their work. Beginning in August of 2015, a subscription list is available on the DOE website so that those interested can sign up for an email to be sent each Monday which includes the text and graphic from the current week s Fact. This report is a compilation of the Facts that were posted during calendar year 2015. The Facts were created, written and prepared by staff in Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Center for Transportation Analysis.

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