2nd International Conference on Engineering for Sustainable World
Nigeria Vision 20:2020; Review of Current Status Using Re Development and Gross Domestic
Anthony, Inegbenebor^1 ; Okolie, Sociis T.A.^1 ; Udoye, Nduka E.^1 ; Enesi, Salawu Y.^1 ; Onyisi, Ozuor^1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Covenant University, Km. 10 Idiroko Road, Canaan Land, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria^1
关键词: Economic productivity;    Economic reform;    Economic tools;    Economy;    Energy;    Gross domestic products;    Renewable energy development;    Research and development;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/413/1/012049/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/413/1/012049
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】

The Nigerian government has put several economic tools into place to improve on the economic productivity of the nation. To mention but a few, we have vision 2010 and the seven-point agenda. Many of these economic reforms failed as a result of inadequate plans to improve the technology. The current economic agenda tagged vision 20:2020 which Nigeria is becoming one of the top 20 world largest economy for year 2020. However, the area in which the GDP of the largest world economics are leading is in their continuous research and development of their engineering technology. The study therefore critically reviewed the current state of the Nigeria renewable energy development (RE) and its contribution towards gross domestic product in order for the country to achieve Vision 20:2020. The study also evaluated the current impact of GDP from 2012-2017 in order to know the area needed for improvement. The result of the assessment showed that Nigeria will need about US$900 billion of GDP and per capital income of about US$4000 per annum for successfully become one of the 20 largest economics in the world. This analysis can only be possible with keen interest in developing the technology.

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