Ministerial Decision No. 248/97 issuing the Regulation on the registration of the hazardous chemical substances and its relative licences.
关键词: Authorization/permit;    Classification/declassification;    Environmental fees/charges;    Hazardous substances;    Fertilizers/nutrients;    Inspection;    Internal trade;    Offences/penalties;    Pesticides;    Pollution control;    Registration;    Transport/storage;   
【 摘 要 】

This Regulation is composed of 7 articles and 2 Annexes. Article 1 take up terms and definitions. Any juridical or physical person intending to trade with hazardous chemical materials (importation, exportation, fabrication, transportation, storage, circulation, use and treatment) shall register this materials at the Ministry to obtain the Environmental licence after paying the fixed fees (art. 2). The Ministry shall keep a list of all hazardous chemical materials (art. 3). Who trade with these m

【 授权许可】


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