Environmental Bill of Rights, 1993 (S.O.1993, c. 28).
关键词: Basic legislation;    Pollution control;    Ecosystem preservation;    Environmental planning;    Liability/compensation;    Air quality/air pollution;    Biosphere reserves;    Cultural heritage;    Soil pollution/quality;    Dispute settlement;    Education;    Emissions;    Institution;    Offences/penalties;    Freshwater quality/freshwater pollution;   
【 摘 要 】

The purposes of the present Act are: a) to protect, conserve and, where reasonable, restore the integrity of the environment; b) to provide sustainability of the environment; and c) to protect the right to a healthful environment. In particular, it aims at: a) the prevention, reduction and elimination of the use, generation and release of pollutants that are an unreasonable threat to the integrity of the environment; b) the protection and conservation of biological, ecological and genetic divers

【 授权许可】


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