Frontiers in Psychology
The impact of students’ mathematical attitudes on intentions, behavioral engagement, and mathematical performance in the China’s context
Limei Wang1  Fuqiang Peng3  Naiqing Song1 
[1]School of Science, West Yunnan University
[2]School of Mathematics and Statistics, Southwest University
[3]School of Foreign Languages, West Yunnan University
[4]Centre for Collaborative Innovation of Assessment Toward Basic Education Quality, Southwest University
关键词: Attitude;    Subjective norms;    Perceived behavioral control;    Intentions;    behavioral engagement,mathematical performance;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1037853
来源: Frontiers
【 摘 要 】
Referring to the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study intends to investigate the impact of students' mathematical attitude determinants (i.e., attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) on intentions, behavioral engagement, and mathematical performance. The data collected online in a China’s context and the research hypotheses are developed and then tested through structural equation modelling. It is found that the attitude and subjective norms have effects, directly or indirectly, on intentions, behavioral engagement, and mathematical performance. In addition, the intentions have significant effect on behavioral engagement, and behavioral engagement does likewise on mathematical performance. It has also been accepted that perceived behavioral control is not directly related to intentions, but largely to behavior and indirectly to mathematical performance through behavior alone. In conclusion, this study’s findings will contribute to the current literature on mathematical performance, and will also inform the policymakers of the proposal on students’ mathematics belief and attitude interventions as a means to improving students’ mathematical performance.
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