Plant-derived angiogenin fusion protein’s cytoprotective effect on trabecular meshwork damage induced by Benzalkonium chloride in mice
Jae Hoon Jeong1  Soo Jin Lee4  Kisung Ko5  Jeong Hwan Lee5  Jungmook Lyu3  Moon Hyang Park7  Jaeku Kang2  Jae Chan Kim4 
[1]Department of Ophthalmology, Konyang University Hospital
[2]Myunggok Medical Research Institute, Konyang University
[3]Myunggok Eye Research Institute, Konyang University
[4]Department of Ophthalmology, Chung-Ang University Hospital
[5]Therapeutic Protein Engineering Lab/College of Medicine, Chung-Ang University
[6]Department of Medical Science, Konyang University
[7]Department of Pathology, Konyang University Hospital
[8]Department of Pharmacology/College of Medicine, Konyang University
关键词: Angiongenin;    Benzalkonium chloride;    Biofarming;    Cytoprotection;    Trabecular meshwork;   
DOI  :  10.7717/peerj.9084
来源: Inra
【 摘 要 】
Background Benzalkonium chloride (BAK), commonly used in glaucoma treatment, is an eye drop preservative with dose-dependent toxicity. Previous studies have observed the multi-functional benefits of angiogenin (ANG) against glaucoma. In our study, we evaluated ANG’s cytoprotective effect on the trabecular meshwork (TM) damage induced by BAK. Additionally, we developed a plant-derived ANG fusion protein and evaluated its effect on TM structure and function. Methods We synthesized plant-derived ANG (ANG-FcK) by fuzing immunoglobulin G’s Fc region and KDEL to conventional recombinant human ANG (Rh-ANG) purified from transgenic tobacco plants. We established a mouse model using BAK to look for degenerative changes in the TM, and to evaluate the protective effects of ANG-FcK and Rh-ANG. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured for 4 weeks and ultrastructural changes, deposition of fluorescent microbeads, type I and IV collagen, fibronectin, laminin and α-SMA expression were analyzed after the mice were euthanized. Results TM structural and functional degeneration were induced by 0.1% BAK instillation in mice. ANG co-treatment preserved TM outflow function, which we measured using IOP and a microbead tracer. ANG prevented phenotypic and ultrastructure changes, and that protective effect might be related to the anti-fibrosis mechanism. We observed a similar cytoprotective effect in the BAK-induced degenerative TM mouse model, suggesting that plant-derived ANG-FcK could be a promising glaucoma treatment.
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