Physicochemical Properties of Bovine Serum Albumin-Glucose and Bovine Serum Albumin-Mannose Conjugates Prepared by Pulsed Electric Fields Treatment
Yuan-ming Sun1  Liangyu Wang2  Wenjie Jian3  Lanlan Wu3 
[1]College of Food Science, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, China
[2]Department of Biology and Chemistry Engineering, Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 50300, China
[3]Institute of Nutrition and food Safety, Xiamen Medical College, Xiamen 361023, China
关键词: bovine serum albumin;    glucose;    mannose;    physicochemical properties;    pulsed electric fields treatment;   
DOI  :  10.3390/molecules23030570
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatment is a novel method for obtaining glycated proteins by way of a Maillard reaction between proteins and polysaccharides but its effect on the preparation of protein–monosaccharide conjugate has not been explored. This study aimed to prepare bovine serum albumin (BSA)–glucose and BSA–mannose conjugates using PEF in pH 10.0 at an intensity of 10 or 20 kV/cm, frequency of 1 kHz, pulse width of 20 μs and 73.5 pulses. The conjugates were evaluated for physicochemical properties. The results indicated that PEF not only promoted Maillard reaction between BSA and glucose or mannose but also alleviated the undesirable browning. PEF treatment favored the increased surface hydrophobicity and emulsifying activity in BSA but reduced surface hydrophobicity and foaming stability and improved foaming capacity in BSA–glucose and BSA–mannose conjugates. These findings provided useful considerations in the application of PEF treatment as a potential method to prepare BSA–monosaccharide conjugates by Maillard reaction.
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