Tissue Spectroscopy for Glucose Measurement
Hopkins, George W.
HP Development Company
关键词: glucose;    non-invasive;    medical diagnostics;    point-of- point testing (POCT);    glucometry;    home health care;   
RP-ID  :  HPL-98-85R1
来源: HP Labs
【 摘 要 】

An investigation of the potential for non-invasive optical measurements of glucose concentration in human subjects was conducted from March 1, 1997 to March 31, 1998. The investigation started with a study of current practice, market potential, activity in the field, and prior work, as evidenced by literature and patents. A feasibility study was conducted, a spectrograph was purchased, a sampling accessory was modified, measurements were made on a small sample of subjects, and the resulting data were analyzed. We reached conclusions on the business potential and the quality of our measurements, and we recommended a course of action for HP. 54 Pages

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