Journal of Functional Foods
Bioequivalence of encapsulated and microencapsulated fish-oil supplementation
Coleen Nolan1  Bruce J. Holub2  Colin J. Barrow2 
[1]Corresponding author: Tel./fax: +1 902 480 3248.
[2]Ocean Nutrition Canada, 101 Research Drive, Dartmouth, NS, Canada B2Y 4T6
关键词: Bioequivalence;    Bioavailability;    Microencapsulation;    Omega-3;    EPA;    DHA;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Omega-3 oil from fish can be stabilised against oxidation using a variety of microencapsulation technologies. Complex coacervation has been used and found to be commercially useful for fortifying foods and beverages with long-chain omega-3 containing oils. Here we report a comparative human bioavailability study of microencapsulated omega-3 fish oil and standard fish-oil soft-gel capsules. Phospholipid levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids increased equivalently in both subjects groups. Also, triacylglycerol levels were reduced similarly in both groups. These results indicate that omega-3 fatty acids have equivalent bioavailability when delivered as microencapsulated complex coacervates or as soft-gel capsules.
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