Sensors & Transducers
Development of Noise Measurements. Part 1. Fluctuations and Thermodynamics, Proper Noise and Thermometry
Bohdan STADNYK1  Zenoviy KOLODIY1  Svyatoslav YATSYSHYN1 
[1] 'Lviv Polytechnic' National University, Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology,Bandera str.12, Lviv, 79013, Ukraine;
关键词: Noise measurement;    Fluctuations;    Thermodynamics;    Proper noise;    Exactness;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Statistical thermodynamic phenomenon of fluctuations (noise) appearance in the controlled substance is under consideration in the proposed work. Their types as well as the relationship among them revealing in the totality of influences on the characteristics of a noise thermometer as a certified metrological mean of measuring the parameters of electric noise have been researched. The background of repeatable measurement is unfolded. It is suggested that under condition of a concrete metrological approach, particularly while studying proper noise, the mentioned method could be used as a method of noise spectroscopy for electronic device diagnosing. The possibilities of low- and high-temperature research into effects of arising proper noise in the calibrated noise thermometer whose sensitive element is made from the investigated substance have been analyzed.

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