Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
Stable Field Emission from Layered MoS2 Nanosheets in High Vacuum and Observation of 1/f Noise
Mahendra A. More1  M. Thripuranthaka1  Pracheetee D. Joag1  Dattatray J. Late1  Ranjit V. Kashid1  Chandra S. Rout1 
关键词: Layered materials;    MoS2;    Electron emission;    Noise measurement;    Raman spectroscopy;   
DOI  :  10.5772/60071
来源: InTech
【 摘 要 】
Field emission and current noise of hydrothermally synthesized MoS2 nanosheets are investigated in ultra-high-vacuum and industrially suited high-vacuum conditions. The study reveals that the emission turn-on field is pressure dependent. Moreover, the MoS2 nanosheets exhibit more stable field-electron emission in high-vacuum than in ultra-high-vacuum conditions. The investigations on field-emission current fluctuations show features of 1/f-type noise in ultra-high-vacuum and high-vacuum conditions, attributed to adsorption and desorption processes. The post-field-emission results indicate the MoS2 nanosheets are a robust field emitter in high-vacuum conditions.
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