Accumulation of GD1α Ganglioside in MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells Expressing ST6GalNAc V
Caroline Mysiorek1  Aurore Drolez1  Sylvain Julien2  Clément P. Delannoy2  Philippe Delannoy2  Sandy Vandermeersch2  Yann Guérardel2  Jorick Vanbeselaere2 
[1] Blood Brain Barrier Laboratory (LBHE), EA 2465, University of Artois, 62300 Lens, France;Structural and Functional Glycobiology Unit, UMR CNRS 8576, University of Lille,59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France;
关键词: ST6GalNAc V;    breast cancer;    MDA-MB-231;    α-gangliosides;    GD1α;   
DOI  :  10.3390/molecules20046913
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

α-Series gangliosides define a particular sub-class of glycosphingolipids containing sialic acid α2,6-linked to GalNAc residue that was isolated as a minor compound from the brain. The sialyltransferase ST6GalNAc V was cloned from mouse brain and showed α2,6-sialyltransferase activity almost exclusively for GM1b, to form GD1α and is considered as the main enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of α-series gangliosides. Recently, ST6GALNAC5 was identified as one of the genes over-expressed in breast cancer cell populations selected for their ability to produce brain metastasis. However, the capacity of human breast cancer cells to produce α-series gangliosides has never been clearly demonstrated. Here, we show by stable transfection and MS-MS analysis of total glycosphingolipids that ST6GALNAC5 expressing MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells accumulate GD1α ganglioside (IV3Neu5Ac1, III6Neu5Ac1Gg4-Cer).

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