Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine
Bioethics: a look at animal testing in medicine and cosmetics in the UK
Said Baadel1  Stefane Kabene1 
[1]Faculty of Communication, Arts and Sciences (FCAS), Canadian University Dubai, Dubai, UAE.
关键词: Animal testing;    Bioethics;    Cosmetics testing, Medical research;   
DOI  :  10.18502/jmehm.v12i15.1875
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Using animals for cosmetics and medical tests has contributed towards a debate based on conflicting interests. Despite the efforts in justifying the value of animals in conducting analyses, this study seeks to elaborate whether or not it is rational to use animals as test subjects in medical and cosmetics fields. The value of animal life is at the core of the emotional conflicts that arise when animals become experimental subjects in medical and cosmetics fields. The aim of this study is to determine if there are ethical differences in the use of animal testing in medicine versus cosmetics. The research, through review and content analysis of the existing literature, compares and provides the outcomes of using animals in medical and cosmetics tests by examining studies conducted in the UK. The findings of this research indicated that animal testing is considered acceptable in the medical field only if there are no other alternatives, but is completely unacceptable in the cosmetics field. The study also provides recommendations in the form of alternatives that protect animals from cruelty and may benefit the different stakeholders and the society at large.
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