Nitrogen-Polar (0001 ¯) GaN Grown on c-Plane Sapphire with a High-Temperature AlN Buffer
Jie Song1  Jung Han1 
[1] Department of Electrical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT 06520, USA;
关键词: MOCVD;    N-polar;    GaN;    AlN buffer;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ma10030252
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We demonstrate growing nitrogen-polar (N-polar) GaN epilayer on c-plane sapphire using a thin AlN buffer layer by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. We have studied the influence of the AlN buffer layer on the polarity, crystalline quality, and surface morphology of the GaN epilayer and found that the growth temperature of the AlN buffer layer played a critical role in the growth of the GaN epilayer. The low growth temperature of the AlN buffer results in gallium-polar GaN. Even a nitridation process has been conducted. High growth temperature for an AlN buffer layer is required to achieve pure N-polarity, high crystalline quality, and smooth surface morphology for a GaN epilayer.

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