Cognitive Research
Exploring the practicing-connections hypothesis: using gesture to support coordination of ideas in understanding a complex statistical concept
Ji Y. Son1  Priscilla Ramos1  William Loftus2  Melissa DeWolf2  James W. Stigler2 
[1] California State University, Los Angeles;University of California, Los Angeles;
关键词: Gestures;    Embodied cognition;    Educational technology;    Student learning;    Statistics education;    Online education;   
DOI  :  10.1186/s41235-017-0085-0
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract In this article, we begin to lay out a framework and approach for studying how students come to understand complex concepts in rich domains. Grounded in theories of embodied cognition, we advance the view that understanding of complex concepts requires students to practice, over time, the coordination of multiple concepts, and the connection of this system of concepts to situations in the world. Specifically, we explore the role that a teacher’s gesture might play in supporting students’ coordination of two concepts central to understanding in the domain of statistics: mean and standard deviation. In Study 1 we show that university students who have just taken a statistics course nevertheless have difficulty taking both mean and standard deviation into account when thinking about a statistical scenario. In Study 2 we show that presenting the same scenario with an accompanying gesture to represent variation significantly impacts students’ interpretation of the scenario. Finally, in Study 3 we present evidence that instructional videos on the internet fail to leverage gesture as a means of facilitating understanding of complex concepts. Taken together, these studies illustrate an approach to translating current theories of cognition into principles that can guide instructional design.

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