3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference
Android-based monitoring applications of students' learning outcomes
Sulistyowati, P.^1 ; Setyaningrum, L.^1 ; Kumala, F.N.^1 ; Hudha, M.N.^2
Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang
65148, Indonesia^1
Physics Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang
65148, Indonesia^2
关键词: Learning outcome;    Monitoring applications;    Quantitative descriptive analysis;    Student learning;    Transfer process;   
Others  :  https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/434/1/012036/pdf
DOI  :  10.1088/1757-899X/434/1/012036
来源: IOP
【 摘 要 】
The purpose of this research is to develop a monitoring application of student learning result based on android mobile. Data were obtained from the questionnaire validation of product development by the experts of content, media, language, teachers and 40 parents. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The results show that the application of the android-based monitoring learning result is worthy to use and has met the prerequisite in the fields of content, media and language. In the practical aspect, users (teachers and parents) have no difficulty during operating monitoring applications of students' learning outcome and parents find it easier to monitor their children's learning outcomes wherever they are. However, the development of media experienced some difficulties such as data transfer process. Monitoring application of student learning result is very helpful for parents who have hectic job.
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