Ecological Indicators
How trade-offs between ecological construction and urbanization expansion affect ecosystem services
Yuting Zhang1  Guangye Zhang2  Zhongwu Li3  Haibing Xiao3  Lingxia Wang3  Linhui Xiao3  Junyu Liu3  Yaojun Liu4  Chuxiong Deng4  Xiaodong Nie4  Xiaoqian Hu4  Damei Zhu4 
[1]College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, Hunan 410082, PR China
[2]Corresponding author at: College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan 410081, PR China.
[3]Hunan Key Laboratory of Geospatial Big Data Mining and Application, Changsha, Hunan 410081, PR China
[4]College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan 410081, PR China
关键词: Ecosystem service;    Land use/cover changes;    Ecological construction;    Urbanization;    Trade-off;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The trade-offs between ecological construction and urbanization changes in land-use, which can affect ecosystem services. This study aimed to analyze the trade-offs between urbanization and ecological construction through land-use change, and then to explore its impact on ecosystem services. We developed a coefficient for analyzing LUCC caused by ecological construction and urbanization. The spatio-temporal patterns of three ecosystem services (Water yield, Net primary production, Soil conservation) in the Xiangjiang River Basin (XRB) of China were identified and the trade-offs and synergies between ecosystem services explored at different spatial scales. The average trade-off coefficients between ecological construction and urbanization of upstream, midstream, downstream, and the whole basin were 0.20, −0.27, −0.46 and −0.37 respectively show that the LUCC was dominated by urbanization in the XRB from 2000 to 2015. However, ecological construction improved ecosystem services. The growth rates in NPP, soil conservation, and water yield were 10.88%, 2.23%, and 19.82%, respectively, between 2000 and 2015. We also confirmed three ecosystem services were spatially dominated by synergies (0 -->
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