Urban Growth and Spatial Transition in Nepal : An Initial Assessment
Muzzini, Elisa ; Aparicio, Gabriela
Washington, DC:World Bank
关键词: Urbanization;    Spatial transition;    Urban planning;    Demographic transition;    Internal migration;   
DOI  :  10.1596/978-0-8213-9659-9
RP-ID  :  75846
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

Nepal is undergoing two momentoustransformations-from a rural to an urbanizing economy andfrom a unitary to a federal state. This book aims atunderstanding the first of these two transitions:Nepal's journey toward becoming a predominantly urbaneconomy. The study carries out an initial assessment ofNepal's transition from a predominantly rural to anurbanizing economy. This assessment aims at strengtheningour understanding of the demographic and economic dimensionsof the transition, and exploring the links betweenurbanization and economic growth in the context of Nepal.This book has five chapters. Chapter one presents anoverview of the urban and economic transition in Nepal.Chapter two discusses the spatial patterns of Nepal'srapid urbanization and internal migration-a driving force ofurban change from both a demographic and an economicperspective. Chapter three presents an initial assessment ofthe challenges facing Nepal's cities in urban planningand the delivery of infrastructure and services. And itdiscusses the spatial distribution of public expenditure forlocal infrastructure based on the results of a publicexpenditure survey carried out as part of the study. Chapterfour presents a scoping assessment of the growth drivers ofNepal's urban economies and the main constraints toturning these comparative advantages into competitiveadvantages. And chapter five draws the main conclusions andproposes strategic directions and actions to accelerateurban-based economic growth and foster sustainable urban development.

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