Underground Space
Numerical investigation of the hydraulic fracturing mechanisms in oil sands
Alireza Nouri1  Dave Chan2  Morteza Roostaei3  Atena Sharbatian4  Arian Velayati5  Siavash Taghipoor5 
[1] 85 Ave, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3, Canada.;;Corresponding author at: 116 St &KGHM International, 1010 Lorne St, Sudbury, ON P3C 4R9, Canada;RGL Reservoir Management Inc., 6908 42 St, Leduc, AB T9E 0R8, Canada;Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada;
关键词: Smeared fracture;    Hydraulic fracturing;    Numerical simulation;    Oil sand;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a numerical investigation of hydraulic fracturing in oil sands during cold water injection by considering the aspects of both geomechanics and reservoir fluid flow. According to previous studies, the low shear strengths of unconsolidated or weakly consolidated sandstone reservoirs significantly influence the hydraulic fracturing process. Therefore, classical hydraulic fracture models cannot simulate the fracturing process in weak sandstone reservoirs. In the current numerical models, the direction of a tensile fracture is predetermined based on in situ stress conditions. Additionally, the potential transformation of a shear fracture into a tensile fracture and the potential reorientation of a tensile fracture owing to shear banding at the fracture tip have not yet been addressed in the literature. In this study, a smeared fracture technique is employed to simulate tensile and shear fractures in oil sands. The model used combines many important fracture features, which include the matrix flow, poroelasticity and plasticity modeling, saturation-dependent permeability, gradual degradation of the oil sands as a result of dilative shear deformation, and the tensile fracturing and shear failure that occur with the simultaneous enhancement of permeability. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses are also performed with respect to the reservoir and geomechanical parameters, including the apparent tensile strength and cohesion of the oil sands, magnitude of the minimum and maximum principal stress, absolute permeability and elastic modulus of the oil sands and ramp-up time. All these analyses are performed to clarify the influences of these parameters on the fracturing response of the oil sands.

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