Materials & Design
Phase transformations in a heterogeneous Ti-xNb-7Zr-0.8O alloy prepared by a field-assisted sintering technique
Dalibor Preisler1  Josef Stráský2  Jiří Kozlík3  Jozef Veselý3  Miloš Janeček3  Tomáš Chráska3  Anna Veverková3 
[1] Center for the Accelerated Maturation of Materials, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Ohio State University, 1305 Kinnear Rd., Columbus, OH 43212, USA;Corresponding author at: Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, Prague 2 12116, Czechia.;Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, Prague 2 12116, Czechia;
关键词: Field assisted sintering technique (FAST);    Titanium alloys;    Phase transitions;    Heterogeneity;    Gibbs free energy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Biomedical metastable alloy Ti-xNb-7Zr-0.8O with a compositional gradient of Nb was prepared from elemental powders by a field-assisted sintering technique (FAST). The aim was to investigate phase transformations over a wide range of compositions, facilitating the designing of biomedical Ti alloys. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) investigations revealed that Nb-rich regions retained the β phase, surrounded by transition region consisting of the β and ω phases, while Nb-lean regions consisted of the α and β phases. The Nb concentration, above which formation of the ω phase occurs during cooling instead of the α phase, was determined to be 22 wt%, an important parameter for the low-modulus alloy design. The paper validates the viability of using FAST to prepare heterogeneous Ti alloys permitting to study microstructure over a wide range of compositions. This technique could also be readily used as a high-throughput method for designing other alloy systems.The experimental results were supplemented by calculation of Gibbs energy curves and schematic phase diagrams, which allowed to explain a competition between α and ω formation depending on alloy composition. Such semi-empirical approach can serve as a useful tool for general alloy design, in particular for biomedical Ti alloys.

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