Education Sciences | |
Parent Enablers of Education Support for Young People with Hearing Impairment in Pakistan | |
Tehmina Hammad1  | |
[1] Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 8PQ, UK; | |
关键词: parent enablers; voice; hearing impairment; learning; knowledge; education; | |
DOI : 10.3390/educsci11090480 | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
This article examines the support received by young people with hearing impairment from parent enablers of education in Pakistan. In this ethically designed research, the society’s learning pathways of strong and weak knowledge and education centralised the voice of young people with hearing impairment as a methodology to evaluate society’s influence on parent enablers support, including from for-profit and not-for-profit education. The semi-structured interviews were conducted with 20 young people with hearing impairment, 10 each from for-profit and not-for-profit education. The case-by-case analysis of young peoples’ voice showed that in strong pathway, the binding together of family support in education with society formed young peoples’ equal but different identity that shaped an imbalance in gender and social choice of impairment over poverty with restricted translation of for-profit education in employment outside the family. In weak pathway, the family support in education disconnected from society formed young peoples’ same but unequal identity that shaped conflict in gender and social choice of poverty over impairment with limited conversion of not-for-profit education in local employment. In conclusion, alignment of society and parent enablers of education with reference to gender is required for young peoples’ entry in outside and local employment for sustainable development in Pakistan.
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