Animal Production
Chemical Compositions and Nutrient Degradation of Elephant Grass Silage Ensiled with Black Tea Waste
关键词: Elephant grass;    black tea waste;    silage additive;    degradation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This study evaluated the chemical compositions and nutrient degradation during ensiling of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) silage with black tea waste (BTW) addition.Four silage treatments were elephant grass (S0); elephant grass + 100 g BTW/ kg fresh matter (S1); elephant grass + 200 g BTW/kg fresh matter (S2); elephant grass + 300 g BTW/kg fresh matter.About 220 g of silage material were ensiled for 30 days at room temperature (approximately 28°C).Three replicates were prepared for each treatment.Results showed that dry matter, organic matter and crude protein contents of silages increased linearly (P<0.01) with increasing black tea waste.There were linear decreases in dry matter and crude protein degradations (P<0.01) and organic matter degradation (P<0.05) during ensiling with increased black tea waste addition.Dry matter degradation values varied from 15.03 to 30.71% and were higher than degradation value of ideal silage.It was concluded that black tea waste has potential as a silage additive to improve nutritive value and fermentation quality of elephant grass silage.(Animal Production 9(2): 160-165 (2007)Key Words: Elephant grass, black tea waste, silage additive, degradation

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