Toxicology Reports
New CeO2 nanoparticles-based topical formulations for the skin protection against organophosphates
Tifenn Boutard1  Thierry Devers2  Denis Josse3  Frédéric Guittard4  Arnaud Zenerino4  Cécile Bignon4  Sonia Amigoni4 
[1] ABC Texture, rue Isaac Newton, 35800 Dinard, France;Centre de Recherche de la Matière Divisée (CRMD) – FRE 3520, IUT de Chartres, Université d'Orléans, 21, rue de Loigny la Bataille, 28000 Chartres, France;Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours des Alpes-Maritimes, 140, Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny BP99, 06271 Villeneuve Loubet Cedex, France;Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Laboratoire de Physique de la Matière Condensée - UMR CNRS 7336, Groupe Surfaces et Interfaces, Parc Valrose, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France;
关键词: Topical skin protection;    Paraoxon;    Cerium dioxide;    Nanoparticles;    Thickening polymers;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.toxrep.2015.07.003
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

To reinforce skin protection against organophosphates (OPs), the development of new topical skin protectants (TSP) has received a great interest. Nanoparticles like cerium dioxide (CeO2) known to adsorb and neutralize OPs are interesting candidates for TSP. However, NPs are difficult to disperse into formulations and they are suspected of toxicological issues. Thus, we want to study: (1) the effect of the addition of CeO2 NPs in formulations for the skin protection (2) the impact of the doping of CeO2 NPs by calcium; (3) the effect of two methods of dispersion of CeO2 NPs: an O/W emulsion or a suspension of a fluorinated thickening polymer (HASE-F) grafted with these NPs. As a screening approach we used silicone membranes as a skin equivalent and Franz diffusion cells for permeation tests. The addition of pure CeO2 NPs in both formulations permits the penetration to decrease by a 3–4-fold factor. The O/W emulsion allows is the best approach to obtain a film-forming coating with a good reproducibility of the penetration results; whereas the grafting of NPs to a thickener is the best way to obtain an efficient homogenous suspension of CeO2 NPs with a decreased of toxicological impact but the coating is less film-forming which slightly impacts the reproducibility of the penetration results.

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